Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Serious Consideration...

A Serious Consideration of Creation in Religious Texts and Fiction

From Krishna to Jesus, Moses to Mohammed, each of these prophetic beings were, in ordinance with their respective beliefs, spun into creation according to the whim of what some call The Great Magnet; The Father; The Alpha and the Omega. Their purpose, knowingly served, has a way of bringing people together under a common cause: we must return from whence we came. Yet, how is it that we should know from where, or even how we came into being? Since the dawn of time for man, he has always been sure of two things; those being that he was created somehow and we be physically un-created some day. Such ideas have touched and shaped every great work that man has left in his wake. Could there be much more than what we take at face value when exploring the wondrous world of religion? At every one of its twists and turns, man spirals in yet another direction, but, could there be so much more right in front of our faces, hidden subtly behind all that we believe to be true and everything that we think we know?

In every religious text there is a story of how man and all the things around him came to be and how they will come to end. Yet, still, it seems that man is on a constant quest, whether he is consciously aware of it or not, to find the great truth about where and how he has come into being and for what cause. Chasing this thought has created some of the greatest epics, books, verses, tales, legends, myths and stories that have ever flowed from the imagination of man. However, many people of a particular faith tend to look upon that faith's literature and explanations of things and read with their hearts rather than with their heads. What I mean by this is that perhaps, many that delve into the readings of their own faith read simply for hope, and follow blindly without a shadow of a doubt or even some questions. Also, many tend to absorb immense realities or histories from these writings and label them "untouchable" or infallible because they are undoubtedly the Words of God. Thus hindering and making biased their perception of a God or creator and the way creation came about

Early human communities were based on one thing: safety. Where could people assemble and thrive based on the ability to harvest food, maintain adequate shelter and propagate their species? For this reason, civilization was usually built around bodies of water, being that it is a necessity for living and having fertile soil. In addition to this, early civilizations prayed to gods that would keep them safe from enemies and the violent tendencies of nature's course. Early man needed this to assure that he could procreate and further advance his race, and this has been proven by hundreds of years of archaeological and historic reseach of ancient cultures and their structures of civilization.

The words culture and cult probably both derive from the Latin cultus, meaning "worship of the gods." This was a daily practice in ancient civilizations. From the ritual sacrifice at Mayan altars to paintings of angelic figures on cave walls, there has always beeen an intense dependency on there being "more out there" so to speak. However, our interpretations of what that "more" is, are constantly changing. Yet the most logical reason we have written such creation stories is for safety. Not the safety that comes with barbed wire, or impenetrable walls, or even an arsenal of weapons to defend us against our most fierce physical enemy. no, it goes deeper than that. It is the assurance within ourselves that we are indeed here for a reason and that there is more purpose in life than merely to procreate and then surrender our energy to the peaceful womb of our Mother Earth, from which all life was spawned. To this day, however, we have yet to decipher what exactly the reason for being is, but for now, most will render it exclusively to the Will of God.

These religious texts also carry over to works of literature. They are scattered all over our ficiton of past, present and future. Such a thing enable man to re-examine his idea of why we are here and to offer another's perspective on the topic as well. It is most apparent, however, due to the fact that despite God's Will and His Word that we are perpetually at war with our inner self and subconscious, trying to understand why and how we are here.

Man has touched virtually everything in his infinite playground that he has been able to get his hands on. Even in the face of great distance has he walked and prevailed; from here to the moon is no longer a dream. Now, the moon is somewhat passe' so to speak. Some day man's hand may stretch out even further than presently imaginable into the expanse known as space, climbing closer and closer to the gates of the heavens. It is apparent that what sets man apart from the other species that inhabit this earth is his perpetually starving curiosity and hunger to understand the things around him. He has most certainly succeeded in attaining explanations for most of these things. Perhaps the reason for his mental angst as well as its evolution is that his curiosity is constantly ravaged by the simplest yet most puzzling question of all: why am I here?

Leave the cave.


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