Monday, June 26, 2006

Voices From the Underground:A Lesson From the School of Forgotten History

Lesson the First

The following information has been compiled over the course of months of research, from various veritable sources. Being that the subject matter is very new to most and the content extremely dense, it has been submitted to you in the form of a Timeline.

Imagine this, if you will...

1939 -
The global military conflict known as "World War Two" or "WWII" begins.

1941 -
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act in response to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. America becomes involved in the conflict.

1945 -
The war ends in victory for the Allies, leaving the Nazi regime scattered and in crushing defeat. Nagasaki and Hiroshima are bombed with nuclear technology.

1947 -
The Cold War begins.
Reason: A booming economy, coupled with the lack of damage done to the American Homeland, transforms the United States into a world power. It's competitor, the United Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR), has long been the big kid on the block. The Americans brandish a combating ideology known as Capitalism. Yes, this stock of pioneers gave new life to the notion of "dog-eat-dog" and "cooperation at a cost." Not that it hadn't already been prevalent among the powerful elite, however, the Americans advertised it as a completely acceptable way of overall life. Make no mistake, the Soviets were just as morally bankrupt as their western contenders at the time. ...And the fun begins.

1967 -
Turmoil in the Middle East among governments and their governed. A group known as the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) splits into several factions due to conflicting interests.

The Soviet Union plays an extremely large role in reuniting the PDPA under a common cause- to defeat the current repressive regime. The PDPA is now effectively back in action and backed by the Soviets and their interests.

1978 -
After over ten years of passive aggression, the Soviets make their most daring move. In the gigantic geopolitical, ideological and economic chess game that was the Cold War, death-blows were about to be dealt. PDPA performs a coup d'etat (otherwise known as a sudden, but hostile takeover) effectively overthrowing the existing government in Afghanistan and installing their own in just a single day. These actions served to make void the voice of the people and destroy in one day the rights they had faught vigorously to obtain. In the early morning hours of 28 April, President Mohammad Daoud Khan was killed along with other members of his cabinet to make way for the new reign of Nur Muhammad Taraki. However, the PDPA that was now officially installed was merely a front for Soviet interests.* Subsequently, the country fell exclusively dependant on Soviet aid. Government was reconstructed adhering to classical Lenninist design and on 5 Decemeber, a friendship treaty was signed with the Soviet Union.

The long arm of U.S. influence begins implementing it's own takeover. Beginning in 1978 and ending in 1992, the U.S. begins pouring at least 6 billion dollars worth of arms, training and funds to build up the mujaheddin factions (some estimates going as high as 20 billion dollars). Saudi-Arabia also went into their oil-soaked pockets, donating just as much. With U.S. policy headed up under the Carter Administration by Zbigniew Brzezinski, it went far beyond Soviet expulsion. Rather, it aimed to create and foster an international zealot movement of Islamic fanaticism into Muslim Central Asian Soviet Republics like Afghanistan, and completely destabilize the Soviet Union.

*[It should be noted that Afghanistan has been since the time of Alexander the Great and will remain throughout the course of history a place of unfathomably tremendous importance to economic and political interest. This is due to the fact that it is geographically situated in close proximity to the Middle East but is technically considered part of Central Asia. Afghanistan holds the simplest route outside of Iran to the Caspian Sea. He who holds sway in Afghanistan holds the key to the Middle East, its sp
oils and Central Asia.]

1979 -
Taraki visits Moscow 20 March, with a formal request for Soviet grounds troops, but is denied. However, some ground support is negotiated: helicopter gunships with Russian pilots and maintenance crews, 500 military advisors, 700 paratroopers disguised as technicians to defend Kabul airport, also significant food aid, namely, 300,000 tons of wheat. During this time many Afghans fled to Pakistan. They sought to form a resistance.

The U.S. wastes no time and spares no expense at combating the Soviet sway. Even the airwaves were hit, with the U.S.-run Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe sending out Islamic fundamentalism across Central Asia. At the same time, the politicians at home were denouncing the "Islamic Revolution" that toppled the pro-U.S. Shah of Iran that same year.

Taraki is smothered in his sleep with a pillow by his long-time political rival/prime minister Hafizullah Amin.

The Soviets establish special commission on Afghanistan with KGB chairman Andropov, Ponomaryev from the Central Committee and Ustinov, the defence minister. It was found that Amin's loyalties to Moscow were false and that he may be seeking alliances with Pakistan and China.

Approaching midnight on 24 Decemeber, the Soviet Invasion begins. The motive for such action may seem unclear to some and clear to others, whatever the case, this move changed the course of history. In two days the Soviets secure Kabul and Darulaman Palace, where Amin is killed along with his fierce, but brief resistance.

Afghan analyst Dr. Nour Ali observes,
"Following the invasion of Afghanistan by the former Soviet Union in late Decemeber 1979, hundreds of high ranking Afghan politicians and technocrats as well as army officers including generals entered into Pakistan with the hope of organizing the needed resistance to oppose the invader in order to liberate Afghanistan. Unfortunately and regrettably the U.S. government in collusion with Pakistan's leaders took abusive advantage of the opportunity so as to exploit it fully and by all manner of means to their own and exclusive illegitimate benefits and objectives, which had been threefold: (i) to rule out the creation of any responsible and independent Afghan organization among Afghans, interacting directly with Washington, to support Afghan resistance, (ii) to repulse the Red Army by using exclusively the blood of Afghans, and (iii) to make Afghanistan a satellite if not an integrated part of Pakistan in return for Pakistani leaders' services, but in complete disregard to Afghan people's sovereignty and sacrifices."

1980 -
After the invasion, Pakistani military Intelligence, hand-in-hand with the CIA provided covert military aid, training and direction to Afghan rebels. The operation, under sponsorship of the U.S., involved the creation of an extremist ideology which had been derived from, although dramatically altering and loosely translating, the actual tenets of the religion Islam. Civil war insued, leaving 6 million innocent Afghan civilians homeless.

1982 - 1986 -
CIA chief William Casey commits CIA support to a long-standing ISI (Pakistani, Inter-Service Intelligence) proposal to recruit from around the world to join the Afghan jihad. At least 100,000 Islamic militants make their way to Pakistan within ten years (some 60,000 attending the schools without necessarily taking part in the fighting). Muslims for the mujaheddin recruited in the U.S. were sent to Camp Peary, the CIA's spy training camp in Virginia. There, young Afghans, Arabs from Egypt and Jordan, and even some African American "black muslims" were taught the fundamentalist ideology and "sabotage skills."

Osama Bin Laden brings heavy construction equipment from Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan. Using his know-how of construction (aka his degree in civil engineering), he builds "training camps." These were built in collaboration with ISI and the CIA. Washington refers to them as "terrorist universities."

1987 - 1988 -
Al Qaeda (the Base) is established to run the camps and other of Bin Laden's business enterprises.

1989 -
Operatives are recruited at the al Kifah Refugee Centre in Brooklyn, New York, given paramilitary training in the New York area and subsequently sent to Afghanistan with U.S. assistance to join the then-favoured mujaheddin radical faction led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (known for throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil in the 1970's). These were America's favored sons of Islam. These operatives would later be involved in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. One such operative, Ali Mohammed, was a member of the U.S. army's Green Berets.

The program is code-named "Operation Cyclone."

Recuits money and equipment were distributed to the mujaheddin factions through an organization called Maktab al Khidamar or MAK. MAK was a front for ISI or the Pakistani version of the CIA. ISI was the first to receive enormous sums of money from the CIA and Saudi Arabian covert assistance for Afghan contras. Osama Bin Laden was one of three individuals who ran MAK. This year he became MAK's head of operations.

1990 - 1992 -
Iraq invades Kuwait and U.S. troops are stationed more than 54,000 strong on Saudi soil. Osama Bin Laden falls out with Saudi Royal Family due to their compliance. The media and politicians cease calling him a "freedom fighter," and begin referring to him as a "terrorist."

Gulf War ends and thousands of US troops remain in Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden's anger turns to opposition. He knows what the U.S. is capable of because he has worked hand-in-hand with them.

The USSR and U.S. come to an agreement to cease supplying aid to any faction in Afghanistan.

Barnette Rubin of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations reports: "Despite the end of the proxy war, the massive arms supplies still held by both the Soviet-aided army and the Islamic resistance fighters (backed by the U.S., with help from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and others) continue to fuel the fighting."
The mess the USSR and U.S. leave in the aftermath of their greedy, destructive, self-seeking, dick-measuring contest turns into civil unrest and war. The cost of the superpowers' desires - 4 million civilian lives, countless injured, raped, wounded and paralyzed; millions more homeless and in mourning.

1993 -
"11 February, Jamiat-i Islami forces and those of another faction, Abdul Rasul Sayyaf's Ittihad-i Islami, conducted a raid in West Kabul, killing and 'disappearing' ethnic Hazara civilians, and committing widespread rape. Estimates of those killed range from about seventy to more than one hundred." - Human Rights Watch

1995 -
"March, Forces of the faction operating under Commander Massoud*, the Jamiat-i Islami, were responsible for rape and looting after they captured Kabul's predominantly Hazara neighborhood of Karte Seh from other factions. According to the U.S. State Department's 1996 report on human rights practices in 1995, 'Masood's troops went on a rampage, systematically looting whole streets and raping women.'" - Human Rights Watch

*[Massoud was given weaponry, training, aid and backing by ISI and CIA in the 80's and early 90's. He was favored largely by the CIA]

1997 -
"5 January, Junbish planes drop cluster munitions on residential areas of Kabul. Several civilians were killed and others wounded in the indiscriminate air raid, which also involved the use of conventional bombs." - Human Rights Watch

"May, Some 3,000 captured Taliban soldiers were summarily executed in and around Mazar-i Sharif by Junbish forces under the command of Gen. Abdul Malik Pahlawan. The killings followed Malik's withdrawal from a brief alliance with the Taliban and the capture of Taliban forces who were trapped in the city. Some of the taliban troops were taken to the desert and shot, while others were thrown down wells and blown up with grenades." - Human Rights Watch

1998 -
28 August, Michael Moran quotes Senator Orrin Hatch (who happened to have been a senior member of the Senate Intelligence Committee which approved U.S. dealings with the mujaheddin) on MSNBC as saying he would make "the same call again," knowing what Bin Laden would become. "It was worth it. Those were very important, pivotal matters that played an important role in the downfall of the Soviet Union."

"20-21 September, Several volleys of rockets were fired at the nothern part of Kabul, with one hitting a crowded night market. Estimates of the number of people killed range from seventy-six to 180. The attacks were generally believed to have been carried out by Massoud's forces, who were then stationed about twenty-five miles north of Kabul. A spokesperson for United Front commander Ahmad Shah Massoud denied targeting civilians." - Human Rights Watch

1999 - 2000 -
"Internally displaced persons who fled from villages in and around Sangcharak district recounted summary executions, burning of houses, and widespread looting during the four months that the area was held by the United Front. Several of the executions were reportedly carried out in front of members of the victims' families. Those targeted in the attacks were largely ethnic Pashtuns and, in some cases, Tajiks." - Human Rights Watch

13 August, Tom Carew, a former British SAS soldier who had once fought secretly for the mujaheddin tells British Observer, "The Americans were keen to teach the Afghans the techniques of urban terrorism - car bombing and so on - so that they could strike at the Russians in major towns ...Many of them are now using their knowledge and expertise to wage war on everything they hate."

And while all of this was going on, who called the shots? Who gave the orders? Who made the decision to train terrorists and teach them not only the techniques they currently use to terrorize, but gave them the ideology behind it?! Not the citizens of the United States of America. The people had no idea what was going on, and for the most part, still don't. With a government that would create so much needless suffering for their own benefit without the decision of the people behind it, how long will it be before whoever is calling the shots turns on us? ...Or have they already?

I'd like to end on this note- to quote Zbigniew Brzezinski:

"What was more important in the world view of history? The Taliban or the fall of the Soviet Empire? A few stirred up Muslims of the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?"

Far more was at stake Mr. Brzezinski.

Stay tuned for Part II...

Leave the Cave.

"How the CIA created Osama Bin Laden" an essay by Norm Dixon
"The War on Freedom" by Nafeez Mossaddeq Ahmed and The Institute for Policy Research & Development, Tree of Life Publications, Joshua Tree, CA, 2002
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 'Hungre threatens millions of poor Afghans,' 9 June 2000
Human Rights Watch (HRW)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

An Introduction to Change...

Dear Reader,

It has become apparent from day to day that we, as a human race, are changing, as indeed we always have. Our consciousness shifts and moves in groups as we endure the ages. Change is the universal constant. We may look back at the silly styles, the absurd trends, the beautiful art; the times when tension was high, or times when courage and the unbending human spirit were what brought us through the toughest of times. We may even look back a few decades from now to wonder what we could have possibly been thinking, or to realize that these times are not much different from some of the darkest times in human history. However, as we are all undoubtedly from the same source, that source being nature, we too share in obligatory compliance with its laws. We may find some comfort in the idea that nature has a way of correcting itself when things have taken an unexpected turn for the worse. Or maybe we as humans, being a much smaller part of a much larger organism than we are able to pull back and view as a whole (much like a microscopic organism to our larger human bodies) are a cancer. As companies engage in competition for drilling on the moon we are amidst a quest for another life-sustaining planet(s), we may spread like a virus. But let us not have scorched our mother earth and left her barren. We cannot leave it up to some "greater power" or even nature to fix what we have done and are in the process of doing. I ask all of you to stand up against things that are unjust. We must not feign courageous actions because of fear. Fear will paralyze us; it already has. If we really are the good people we claim to be (or the horrible people we admit to being) we should at least act the part. Actions always speak louder than words. Stand up for something larger than yourself- look beyond your own pain. That is the only way we may touch the lives of others and inspire peace and beauty in the life all around us. By acting out what is in our hearts we can change the things we do not like as well as each other. We must always keep in mind the words of the great Mahatma, Mohandas K. Ghandi: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

This will be my last attempt at illustrating the importance of putting a bullet in the ugly face of apathy. The information I have consolidated is now ready to be brought forth and given to your disposal. What will follow is an intense compendium of information that may otherwise be difficult to procure. Fear not, you will be armed with knowledge and the decision to stay dormant or act will be yours.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Serious Consideration...

A Serious Consideration of Creation in Religious Texts and Fiction

From Krishna to Jesus, Moses to Mohammed, each of these prophetic beings were, in ordinance with their respective beliefs, spun into creation according to the whim of what some call The Great Magnet; The Father; The Alpha and the Omega. Their purpose, knowingly served, has a way of bringing people together under a common cause: we must return from whence we came. Yet, how is it that we should know from where, or even how we came into being? Since the dawn of time for man, he has always been sure of two things; those being that he was created somehow and we be physically un-created some day. Such ideas have touched and shaped every great work that man has left in his wake. Could there be much more than what we take at face value when exploring the wondrous world of religion? At every one of its twists and turns, man spirals in yet another direction, but, could there be so much more right in front of our faces, hidden subtly behind all that we believe to be true and everything that we think we know?

In every religious text there is a story of how man and all the things around him came to be and how they will come to end. Yet, still, it seems that man is on a constant quest, whether he is consciously aware of it or not, to find the great truth about where and how he has come into being and for what cause. Chasing this thought has created some of the greatest epics, books, verses, tales, legends, myths and stories that have ever flowed from the imagination of man. However, many people of a particular faith tend to look upon that faith's literature and explanations of things and read with their hearts rather than with their heads. What I mean by this is that perhaps, many that delve into the readings of their own faith read simply for hope, and follow blindly without a shadow of a doubt or even some questions. Also, many tend to absorb immense realities or histories from these writings and label them "untouchable" or infallible because they are undoubtedly the Words of God. Thus hindering and making biased their perception of a God or creator and the way creation came about

Early human communities were based on one thing: safety. Where could people assemble and thrive based on the ability to harvest food, maintain adequate shelter and propagate their species? For this reason, civilization was usually built around bodies of water, being that it is a necessity for living and having fertile soil. In addition to this, early civilizations prayed to gods that would keep them safe from enemies and the violent tendencies of nature's course. Early man needed this to assure that he could procreate and further advance his race, and this has been proven by hundreds of years of archaeological and historic reseach of ancient cultures and their structures of civilization.

The words culture and cult probably both derive from the Latin cultus, meaning "worship of the gods." This was a daily practice in ancient civilizations. From the ritual sacrifice at Mayan altars to paintings of angelic figures on cave walls, there has always beeen an intense dependency on there being "more out there" so to speak. However, our interpretations of what that "more" is, are constantly changing. Yet the most logical reason we have written such creation stories is for safety. Not the safety that comes with barbed wire, or impenetrable walls, or even an arsenal of weapons to defend us against our most fierce physical enemy. no, it goes deeper than that. It is the assurance within ourselves that we are indeed here for a reason and that there is more purpose in life than merely to procreate and then surrender our energy to the peaceful womb of our Mother Earth, from which all life was spawned. To this day, however, we have yet to decipher what exactly the reason for being is, but for now, most will render it exclusively to the Will of God.

These religious texts also carry over to works of literature. They are scattered all over our ficiton of past, present and future. Such a thing enable man to re-examine his idea of why we are here and to offer another's perspective on the topic as well. It is most apparent, however, due to the fact that despite God's Will and His Word that we are perpetually at war with our inner self and subconscious, trying to understand why and how we are here.

Man has touched virtually everything in his infinite playground that he has been able to get his hands on. Even in the face of great distance has he walked and prevailed; from here to the moon is no longer a dream. Now, the moon is somewhat passe' so to speak. Some day man's hand may stretch out even further than presently imaginable into the expanse known as space, climbing closer and closer to the gates of the heavens. It is apparent that what sets man apart from the other species that inhabit this earth is his perpetually starving curiosity and hunger to understand the things around him. He has most certainly succeeded in attaining explanations for most of these things. Perhaps the reason for his mental angst as well as its evolution is that his curiosity is constantly ravaged by the simplest yet most puzzling question of all: why am I here?

Leave the cave.

Systematic Degredation of the "Y" Generation

By Jacob Rafael Cruz

Born between 1981 and 1995, Generation-Y members in America are more than 57 million strong. The Y Generation is the largest consumer group in the history of the U.S.

The sad thing is, most are raised and grown blind to the fundamental realities of society and of the rest of the world around them... Who's fault is it? Who is to blame??

"Conscience is a social invention, and it's necessary for the survival of society; without it chaos would be rampant. But, in the final analysis, if man plays at all, he plays [either] by his own rules or by the rules of others-- with the choice of his life all too often made by others who dominate.

Whether you choose to be a victim or an opportunist is your decision."

Welcome to America, the land of socio-economic darwinism. A systematic black hole-- not created, but molded around the inadquecies of human potential, establishing a wall of ignorance by taking a malicious advantage of human desire. A = B. Real recognizes real. Man recognizes man. Man knows man is dangerous because man knows man's flaw. Question is, who fires the first shot??

The children are the future. We say it now, just as we've said it in the past. In the past, we were the future. We're up to bat now, the time is at hand... Its time to shoot back, the systematic degradation of the y generation.

If you haven't figured the theme by now, then turn off the Family Guy and grab a book while you still can..

"That which the dream shows is the shadow of such wisdom as exists in man, even if during his waking state he may know nothing about it.... We do not know it because we are fooling away our time with outward and perishing things, and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourself."

"Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible."

Knowledge is power. Power is knowledge applied. Study hard and be evil, for the dose is the poison...

Leave the Cave.
